


Community Outreach Centre, St. Mary’s (COC) was established in 1997 by the Sisters of the Precious Blood working in St. Mary’s hospital, to address the health issues in the community related to poverty, HIV and AIDS and malnutrition. In February 2004, COC became an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). COC has developed and adapted over time to focus on programmes that work to improve the quality of life and resilience of vulnerable children and youth. It also recognizes that for any improvement or change to be sustainable, the environment around the child must also be addressed and, so, COC works to empower and strengthen families and communities in which the child lives.

Who We Are

We are a registered NPO/PBO situated within the premises of the Mariannhill Mission. We work within the areas of KwaNdengezi, Luganda, Zwelibomvu, Mangangeni and Thornwood in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Thornwood, KwaNdengezi and Luganda are classified as peri-urban areas whilst Zwelibomvu and Mangangeni are part of the broader Umbumbulu region and are classified as rural.

The Work We Do
Improving The Lives Of Vulnerable Children

Home Drop-In / ECD Centres

Aftercare Centres

Psychosocial School Support Groups

Other Children In The Community

Empowering And Developing Families And Communities In Which Children And Youth Live

Community Health Programme

Parent And Educator Workshops

Community Based Organisations (CBOs)

Promotion Of Vegetable Gardens

Income Generation and Skills Development

Community Campaigns

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